by LFN Staff
We are halfway through summer, which means there’s still plenty of time to tackle that summer reading list you put together a few weeks ago. Whether you prefer reading novels, philosophical treatises, biographies, science fiction, etc., there are some books always worth your time, regardless of your general literary preferences. Below is our list of 5 summer must-reads addressing some of today’s most pressing social and cultural issues. This reading list is relevant to anyone desiring to become more articulate in topics like the purpose of sex, the dangers of pornography, the definition of masculinity, the meaning of marriage, and the decline of healthy relationships (romantic and otherwise).
1. Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom
by Ryan T. Anderson
A response to the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage, this book draws on the best philosophy and social science to explain what marriage is, why it matters for public policy, and the consequences of its legal redefinition.
2. Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain
by William M. Struthers
Dr. Struthers (an SIU 2015 speaker!) describes how humans are hard-wired for intimacy and relationships, and why pornography disrupts this hard-wiring. Focusing specifically on the effects of porn on the brain, he offers solutions for cultivating healthier sexual perspectives and reclaiming authentic masculinity.
3. How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk: The Foolproof Way to Follow Your Heart Without Losing Your Mind
by John Van Epp
Most college students and twenty-somethings are on the lookout for that special someone they’ll eventually settle down with and love forever. But figuring out who that person is can be difficult and sometimes feel impossible. This book is based on years of research on marital and premarital happiness and can help break the destructive dating patterns that keep people from finding the love they want.
4. On the Meaning of Sex
by J. Budziszewski
Our society is obsessed with sex – yet we don’t seem to understand it at all. In his book, philosopher J. Budziszewski writes about the nature, meaning, and mysteries of sexuality. He addresses the most prevalent errors in our perceptions about sex, particularly those perpetuated by the sexual revolution.
5. Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men Into Boys
by Kay S. Hymowitz
Many young men today suspect they are no longer essential to family life, and without the old scripts to follow, they find themselves stuck between adolescence and “real” adulthood. Kay Hymowitz sets these problems in a socioeconomic context and deftly charts a gender mismatch that threatens the future of the American family and makes no one happy in the long run.
Have you read any of these books? Comment below and tell us about some of your favorites!
The post 5 Summer Must-Reads appeared first on Love & Fidelity Network.